Kennel Licenses
Kennel License Application
For residents with more than 4 dogs, a kennel license is required.
All kennel licenses are renewed in January of each year. Any application received on, or after February 1st of each year will be considered late.
A small kennel license (harboring five (5) to nine (9) dogs) shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
A large kennel license (harboring ten (10) or more dogs but not to exceed forty (40) dogs) shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). For each dog over the forty (40) dog limit, the cost shall increase by ten dollars ($10.00) for each dog.
Any dog license that is determined to be “late” shall incur a late fee equal to the normal license fee.
Before the license can be issued the following conditions of the kennel must be met:
The location where the dogs are kept, raised, housed, or boarded must be two hundred (200) feet away from any neighboring house, and; Must be one hundred fifty (150) feet from any road. The following minimum standards shall be complied with to obtain and maintain a kennel permit: Enclosure must be provided which shall allow adequate protection against weather extremes. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of an appropriate material as required by the specific breed of animal and also to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained and an appropriate temperature provided as required by the specific breed of animal housed therein. Each animal shall have sufficient space to stand up, lie down and turn around without touching the sides or tops of cages. Runs shall provide an adequate exercise area and protection from the weather. All animal quarters and runs are to be kept clean, dry and in a sanitary condition. The food shall be free of contamination, palatable and of sufficient nutritive value as to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal. Fresh water is to be available at all times. Water vessels shall be mounted or secured in a manner that prevents tipping and be of the removable type.
Holders of existing kennel permits which do not meet the distance requirements required in this section shall be exempt from the distance requirements for their existing animals. As animals die, are sold, given away, or are otherwise removed from the property, they may not be replaced unless all of the conditions of this section are met. The city shall have the power to revoke the kennel permit in the event that the permit holder is convicted of any other violation of the provisions of this title.
A kennel license may be purchased by clicking on the kennel license application link below.